Roles & Expectations

Help us identify your skills and what you are willing and able to share with the group. Feel free to select more than one option.

We are seeking at least 5 postdocs who are willing to serve as project leads, contributing both a sample dataset and a working AI model that we can focus on as use-cases of AI in Ecology. Our task during the workshop is to adapt the 5 models to different datasets. Each data-contributing postdoc will receive a stipend (~$1000) for their bravery and dedication to sharing their methods and results.

  1. Role: Project Lead (stipend ~$1000) - Expectations for postdocs contributing data and models:

During the workshop, we will adapt each model to a different dataset and document the process of making the model generalizable. For this, we are asking for an additional 5 postdocs to contribute data (no models required).

  1. Role: Domain expert - Expectations for postdocs contributing data (no models):

For all model/data-contributing postdocs, we will be scheduling anĀ orientation as well asĀ 1-on-1 data consults to help you organize your data so that you are ready to participate in the workshop.